Telling Your Daily Routine In French (Routine Quotidienne)
In this article we will be teaching you how to tell about yourself or your daily activities in french. With our easy translated list of Daily Routine you can easily describe yourself to anyone. Please note that some of these pronunciation might be difficult therefore you can follow our other basic french tutorials to follow it.
French Translation
To Wake up
Se réveiller
To Get up
Se lever
To Stretch
To Brush one’s teeth
Brosser les dents
To Wash one’s face
Se débrouiller
To Shave
Se raser
To go to the Toilet
Aller aux toilettes
To take a Shower
Prendre une douche
To take Bath
Se laver
To wash one’s Hair
Se laver le cheveux
To dry oneself
Se sécher
To get Dressed
To comb one’s Hair
Se coiffer
To put on Make Up
Se maquiller
To have Breakfast
Prendre son petit déjeuner
To get Ready
Préparer ses affairs
To put one’s contact lenses
Mettre ses lentilles de contact
To go to School
Aller à l’école
To go to the Office
Aller au bureau
To take the Bus
Prendre le bus
To come back Home
Rentrer à la maison
To Undress
Se déshabiller
To do one’s Homework
Faire ses devoirs
To play
To take a Nap
Faire la sieste
To watch Television
Regarder la télé
To have Dinner
To make the Bed
Faire son lit
To go to Bed
Se coucher
To fall Asleep
Follow this easy english introduction with french translation.
Routine Quotidienne :
Je me réveille à 6 heures. D’abord je me brosse mes dents puis je bois du café et je lis le journal ensuite je me promène pour une heure après je me douche et je m’habille, je vais prendre mon petit déjeuner ensuite je vais au bureau à 10 heures je travailler au bureau jusqu’à 2 heures et demie, après je prends le déjeuner à 3 heures moins le quart, après je travailler jusqu’à 5 heures. Ensuite je rentrer à la maison, et je me repose pour parfois, puis je sors avec mon amie je regard un film au cinéma à 7 heures du soir. Je dînne à 9 heures et demie ensuite je m’endors à 11 heures
Translated in English :
I wake up at around 6 o’clock. First I brush my teeth and I’ll drink a cup of coffee then I read a newspaper, later I go for a walk for an hour. After that I’ll take bath and get ready, then I have my breakfast and go to office, I work in the office till 2.30 and then I’ll have my lunch at 3.45 and work till 5 o’clock. After that I’ll come home and take rest for sometime. In the evening at around 7 o’clock I’ll go out with my friend to watch movie and later I ll have my dinner and go to sleep at 11 o’clock.
learning through actual life situation sentences is much easy way…thanks for the essay and keep it up you are doing a great job 🙂
Could you make a post with vocab that includes every day, every week, every tuesday night etc?
Wow super.tre bein
Kushagra Sharma
Thank you
ton cul est très gros
i love the snow flakes but it does not let me focus on what's written 😀
I am really very happy looking at the way you are presenting the French essays, so nice to learn and easy to understand the lesson. A big hand for you and I let you write more based on different issues either real life situations or not provided the information is imparted.
Please tell as a student
Please beware , there are 6 errors on the ER verbs in particular: can you spot them?
Tres bien
Tres bien