Asking Introductory Formal and Informal Questions (Introduction Formelle et Informelle)

Its always important to know about Formal and Informal way of asking Introductory Questions in English as well as in French. Here is a simple list of Formal and Informal Introductory Questions which you can use to know about your friends or from people at your office.

Formal Introduction

Formal Introductory Questions in English
Formal Introductory Questions in French
What is your name?
Comment vous appelez-vous ?
How are you?
Comment allez-vous
I am fine, thank you
 Je vais bien, merci
Where do you live?
Où habitez-vous
What is your date of birth?
Quelle est votre date de naissance
Which is your mother tongue?
Quelle est votre langue maternelle
What is your nationality?
Quelle est votre nationalité
What do you do for a living?
Que faites-vous dans la vie

Informal Introduction

Informal Introductory Questions in English
Informal Introductory Questions in French
What is your name?
Comment tu t’appelles ?
How are you?
Comment vas-tu ?
I am fine, thanks
Je vais bien, merci
How are things going?
Ça Va ?
Everything is fine
Ça va bien
Where do you live?
Où habites-tu
How old are you?
Quel âge as-tu ?
What is your nationality?
Quelle est ta nationalité ?
What is your mother tongue?
Quel est ta langue maternelle ?

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